Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement

Ambu has ongoing dialogue and engagement with its stakeholders via different channels throughout the year. Below is an overview of our key stakeholders. More information on how we engage can be found in our Sustainability Report.



Healthcare professionals



Partnerships and commitments

Ambu is engaged in a number of partnerships that helps us advance on our sustainability agenda and contribute to solving global challenges.

United Nations Global Compact

Ambu signed up as a signatory with the UN Global Compact in 2020 and started working strategically with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Sponsorships & donations

Long-standing tradition

Making charitable donations and non-commercial sponsorships is part of a long-standing tradition of supporting the communities in which we operate and of supporting the communities that do not directly benefit from our primary business activities.

Charitable donations and non-commercial sponsorship mean provision of cash, equipment, Ambu or relevant third-party product, for exclusive use for charitable or philanthropic purposes and/or to benefit a charitable or philanthropic cause. Donations and non-commercial sponsorship are made only to duly registered or accredited independent nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or not-for-profit charities, thereby excluding governmental, political, and religious entities.

Impact and local anchoring

When assessing what projects to support, we focus on the projects that have a lasting and sustainable impact on society and on projects that are driven by locally established organizations with endorsements from the local authorities. Decision to donate will not be based on any past, present or potential purchase of Ambu products, nor function as a reward to favor customers or business partners. Donations are not made with the primary purpose to create publicity.

To ensure that donations from Ambu are not based on personal preference or bias, all donations from any Ambu entity should be approved by a local donation committee. No single person may approve donations.

Special rules apply in relation to donations made to healthcare professionals, other government officials and not-for profit hospitals.

Donations are based on MedTech Europe guidelines and WHO’s guidelines for donating medical equipment.

Disclosures & Ratings

Ambu is rated by different ESG ratings. We continuously work to improve our performance on sustainability and welcome transparent and relevant feedback and methodology which helps us improve our most material impacts.

Rating: AA

Rating: Medium Risk

Rating: B-

Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner

Read our latest sustainability report

Download our latest sustainability report for more insight on our sustainability approach and initiatives.

Download report
